I know what you’re thinking – do we really need to be reminded of how amazing dogs are? Just in case you’ve forgotten or haven’t yet opened your eyes up to the miracle that is dog-friendly offices, here are some of the best things about working alongside our pooches (spoiler alert: it’s pretty much everything).
Dogs Radiate Joy
When it comes to searching for inspiration for living a better life, most people turn to eastern philosophers or the author of the latest self-help book.
Although I’m sure that these people have plenty of great stuff to say, I think that we should really be looking to our dogs when it comes to how to live a fulfilling life.
No matter how repetitive and seemingly-monotonous their days are, dogs will never cease to lose their minds with what can only be described as pure ecstasy when they get served a bowl of the same dry pellets that they get served every day. Same goes for when they see that they’re being taken for another walk around the same block that they always walk around.
Any happy occurrence beyond the ordinary, like a fallen piece of bacon, is just icing on the cake.
Not only does this positive energy feel good to be around in the office, but it can inspire us to take a step back and notice the small enjoyments that life gives us every day.

Dogs Can Spark Conversation
As many men who feature photos of them posing with a dog on their dating app profile can attest to, dogs can often have the power to spark conversation.
The conversation isn’t promised to be intellectual or even that interesting. It will mostly consist of talking about how cute the dog is, how smart the dog is, how regal the dog is, how the dog could probably become a cult leader, etc.
This initial conversation however could lead to bigger things, like what you had for dinner or last night’s episode of The Bachelor. Next thing you know, you’ve got a new office bestie.
Dogs Help Clean Up
Man’s Best Friend was put on this earth to serve and support us. This becomes most obvious in the kitchen right after mealtime, when the scraps are being cleared away.
No matter what job they’re given – dish licker, scrap eater, kitchen monitor – no assignment is ever too big or too small. Not all heroes wear capes, but they sure do have a coat of fur and a lot of saliva.
This can be great to have in the office if there’s no organics bin, you can’t be bothered walking to the bin, or you just like having the company of your fur baby while you eat.

Dogs Remind You to Take a Break
Have you ever tried working while your dog is staring you down with intense, desperate-for-a-walk eyes, occasionally whimpering and glancing at the door?
When it’s time to go out and get some fresh air, dogs will not let you forget about it.
They will keep making bids for attention until they see the lead and hear the magic word (walkies) in that ridiculous tone of voice you use just for them.
While some people may find this distracting while at work, it can be a good way of forcing you to take a break from sitting at the screen for hours and will ultimately help you stay healthier and happier.
Have you ever tried working while your dog is staring you down with intense, desperate-for-a-walk eyes, occasionally whimpering and glancing at the door?
When it’s time to go out and get some fresh air, dogs will not let you forget about it.
They will keep making bids for attention until they see the lead and hear the magic word (walkies) in that ridiculous tone of voice you use just for them.
While some people may find this distracting while at work, it can be a good way of forcing you to take a break from sitting at the screen for hours and will ultimately help you stay healthier and happier.
Author – Madeleine Goodman
With a background in Sales and Psychology, Maddy combines her knowledge & love of words to bring us all of the things we need to know on how to survive modern day working life. She currently works as the in-house writer at deskPlex.